Directorate of Western Balkan project implementation
About us
Our main goal is to support HEPA's general export promotion activities by the operation of dedicated financial instruments specifically targeting the Western Balkan region. Building on our excellent diplomatic relations, our programs are designed to support the application of Hungarian technologies and the export development activities of Hungarian companies in the Western Balkans, demonstrating Hungary's commitment to supporting the countries of the region in their preparations for EU accession.
What we do
Following the appointment by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, HEPA has issued a call for proposals for Hungarian companies in order to stimulate economic relations between Hungary and the Republic of Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The long-term effect of the Western Balkans Investment Scheme is to contribute to the growth of remittances from the profits realized by Hungarian companies abroad, and thus increase national income. The grant may be used by the beneficiaries to develop their majority-owned joint ventures or their subsidiaries engaged in economic activity in the target countries. In parallel, a bilateral governmental cooperation agreement with the Republic of Serbia is being implemented, in the framework of which cooperating Hungarian and Serbian companies will provide free infrastructural project preparation services to Serbian beneficiaries through the financing of the Hungarian state. Based on the Serbian example, a similar bilateral agreement has already been signed with Montenegro.